A tart for Saint Valentine’s Day

A tart in the shape of heart with pastry cream and forest fruits for Saint Valentine’s Day. Together αnd the various dough types you can use.

Which tart dough should I use, pâte brisée, sablée or sucrée?

In our new sweet and nerdy article we will learn about the various types of tart dough, their qualities and uses, along with professional secrets, and we will make individual and mini tarts with pastry cream, strawberry jelly, fresh strawberry and berries from the neighborhood!

Α sweet brownie for the love…

For St. Valentine’s Day we will share some sweet writings, paintings and photos, along with a sweet, flourless brownie with berries and almonds, and mostly a wish, everyone’s hearts and lives to fill with even more, true love!

In the morning we eat pancakes like a king!

In our new sweet article, we make pancakes for breakfast and research -as always- their history and variations all around the world. Crepes, tiganites, pfannkuchen, naan, æbleskiver, tortillas and many more… We found pancakes in every corner!

Cupcakes or muffins; That is the question!

In search of the answer to our muffins or cupcakes dilemma, we turned to psychology, learned their history and of course baked our own vanilla mini cakes with candied fruit and chocolate frosting.